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The Program:

The Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) is a stricto sensu Postgraduate course provided at the Federal University of Parana (UFPR) and it aims to bring up highly qualified professionals, in Master’s and PhD’s degrees, capable of accomplishing scientific research and technological development in the following areas: Energy Systems, Electronic Systems and Telecommunications.

The Master’s and PhD’s courses are made for both full time students (with the possibility of scholarships from Brazilian foundations, such as, CAPES, CNPq and Fundação Araucária, as well as, from Research and Developments (R&D) Projects in different sectors and industries), and working professionals that seek the improvement of their knowledge in the mentioned areas.

The selective process for the Master’s course occurs twice a year. The announcements are published in May and October and the admission happens respectively in the first and second semesters. The Phd’s admission process occurs in the form of a continuous flow, with a specific announcement published annually. More information can be found under Admissions.

The faculty at PPGEE/UFPR is composed by 24 professors, where 5 of them are granted by Productivity in Research Scholarship (PQ Scholarship) from CNPq and 1 of them by a Technological Development and Innovative Extension Scholarship, also by CNPq.

Until April 2021, the total of Master’s dissertations and PhD’s thesis that were defended are:

324 Master’s Dissertations

22 PhD’s Thesis

The teaching staff at PPGEE/UFPR keeps a scientific exchange with various research groups located in Brazil and abroad, being highlighted the agreement of Master’s joint degree with Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI), from Germany. More information can be found under Double Degree.

The research done by the faculty and graduates at PPGEE is frequently presented at scientific journals and at national and international conventions, even receiving prizes as the best scientific articles presented at events.

The PPGEE/UFPR has concept “4” in the CAPES Quadrennial Evaluation.


Importante: Informações sobre Matrícula em Disciplinas do 2º Semestre de 2022

O período de matrícula em disciplinas para alunos REGULARES será de 01 a 11 de agosto de 2022.

Matrícula em disciplinas isoladas para alunos externos ao PPGEE: o solicitante deve encaminhar o Requerimento de Matrícula (requerimento_matricula_externo.pdf) junto com cópia do diploma de graduação via e-mail para EXCLUSIVAMENTE no dia 11 de agosto de 2022.

A grade horária para o 2º Semestre de 2022 está disponível em

As aulas iniciarão no dia 15/08/2022 de forma presencial.



Processo Seletivo para Classificação de Candidatos a Bolsa de Mestrado (Edital 11/2022)

* Período de inscrições: 01/08/2022 a 04/08/2022

Ficha de inscrição
Critérios para Classificação a Bolsa de Estudo de Mestrado

O processo seletivo é destinado a: (i) alunos regularmente matriculados no curso de mestrado do PPGEE e; (ii) candidatos aprovados e classificados no processo seletivo para ingresso no curso de mestrado do PPGEE em agosto de 2022 – Edital 07/2022.



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